2009年9月29日 星期二

food riddle 食物猜謎


  1. I would never eat that shit unless under threat or going nuts. It is more nasty than 陳菊, even more than 許純美. They are like devils. ~32 孫瑜君
  2. I have avoided eating the food for a long time. I have a good reason why I refused to eat this food. Since I was in elementary school, my father has ordered me to go to the cram school. Before I started study, I could eat only the same food. It really made me crazy! I just can't afford to eat the same kind of food for five years. Whenever I see it, I will feel disgusted. ~ 2 陳昶志.
  3. It is hard and red. Its smell is strange. People eat them cooked as well as uncooked. It is said to be good for our eyes. ~23 孫子雅
  4. It looks horrible when it is alive. It looks more terrible after being cooked. Some of them are big, and some are small. It usually grows on the west coast of Taiwan. Its color is gray and while. ~9 葉威廷
  5. It is sticky and creamy. It is taken from cattle. It is soft and widely used in hot pots. It tastes like tofu with some grounded meat. It is one of the most important organs inside the animals. ~16 鍾昱帆
  6. In Taiwan, you can find it in almost every dish. Sometimes it is liquid, but sometimes it is solid. It's yellow and white. I hate its smell. ~33 陳靖雅
  7. Its color is black and while. It looks slimy. It is usually dried before sale. It is a Chinese medicine to cook soup. ~19 陳美伶
  8. Its color is orange. Many children don't like to eat it. It is often cooked with potatoes. It is often made into juice with a lot of fruits and vegetables. ~22 林芳瑜
  9. This is a kind of soup. I used to eat it when I was in elementary school. Sometimes there are some insects in the soup. It can make you grow better. ~21 劉芷喬
  10. It is black. It is square. It can be found in the hot soup. It tastes sticky and QQ(chewy). ~31 魏意蓁
  11. It is green. It contains many seeds. The seeds are white and hard. People usually don't eat its seeds because they are bitter. Its shape is similar to calabash (葫蘆) ~29 張祥雲
  12. It lives in the water. It is smooth, short, sticky, and ugly. It doesn't have feet. but it is not tadpole. It is black and gray. ~17 林芮君

  1. It's a kind of vegetable. It is long. It is green and white. The white part is more disgusting than the green part. ~ 44吳念純
  2. It's shape is square, and it has a cover. The materials are filled in the container. The name of the food is scary. ~6 王禹軒
  3. My mom said that it is made of cockroach's eggs. It's black. ~46 張胤慧
  4. It's a kind of fruit. I have been hurt by it in the supermarket. It smells bad. ~ 37 王羽廷
  5. It's a kind of animal whose color is green. It makes sounds. If they live around your house, you will hate them for the noise. ~38 李 昱
  6. Chicken go to the oil. Vegetables go to the oil too. ~33 李昀陞
  7. It tastes very strange. If my mom cooks it, I always pick them up and throw them away. It's very long. You can put it in the soup or fry it. Its color is purple. ~3 黃峻力
  8. It's a kind of vegetable. It has some sticky liquid. It is good for our stomach. ~39 林美萱
  9. It is a kind of bread, which contains a lot of green vegetable. The vegetable has a strong flavor. It's famous in 宜蘭. ~23 李永頊
  10. It is slimy and have a strong strange smell. Sometimes you will eat sands in it. It is often cooked with eggs. ~9 陳 聖
  11. It is green and tastes like plastic. ~21 蘇俊仰
  12. The food grow in the tree. It has green skin. It is easy to eat and is often cooked with eggs. ~7 王淳平


2009年9月17日 星期四



2009年9月5日 星期六




隨即,我又注意到了一旁,正排著隊、穿著整齊的制服、拿著打掃工具,等待乘客下機後,立即上機用最快的速度將飛機艙打掃乾淨的清潔人員們,以及等待 飛機停妥之後,等著打開行李艙,準備輸送與搬運行李的工作車輛與人員們,還有開著油罐車,準備幫飛機加油的人員…等等,這是機場地勤工作的整個配套,而這 些人員不都是每天一再的重覆相同的工作嗎?


很多人都不喜歡面對一再重複的工作,包含我也是,主要的原因總認為這是沒有挑戰性的,但隨著經驗的累積,卻對於這種所謂routine的工作有了不 同層面的體會,還是以機場的話題來說,一般飛機在起飛與降落的時候是對一個機場的經驗挑戰,能夠當上機長或者副機長的人員都非常的不容易,但是經常在這兩 個時間點,坐在飛機上的乘客可以很明顯的瞭解到飛行員的經驗以及熟練程度,可以說這是七十分與九十九分的差異,你可以做這件事,但不代表你可以做的很好, 而正如同本文的標題,天才是屬於重複次數最多的人…


許多人都會埋怨工作過於無聊,因而導致生活過於無趣,但其實樂趣應該是自己創造的,更不應該讓自己陷入這一再重複所產生的惡性循環當中,更擴大範圍 來說,人生也經常如此,是想就算在風光的人,也不可能每天都活在最意氣風發或者每天都很精采的生活當中,所以說我們應該習慣於平凡甚至一層不變的生活,並 從中找到屬於自己的步調與樂趣…



偶爾在網路上看到這篇文章,深有同感。我小時候曾經對當老師的母親說:「我長大絕不要當老師,每天對不同班的學生講同樣的話,年復一年,太無聊了!」哪知道 長大還真的當了老師…… 而且才發現,小時候的想像根本完全錯誤。每一年,每一天都在接受新的挑戰,做新的嚐試,哪裡是重複!如果有一天我覺得重複無趣時,也就代表我在這個領域已經出類拔萃了……(也大概該退休了)

如果對其他文章有興趣,請拜訪 三十而憟 網站,這是由兩岸三位年過30的作者所共同經營的,裡面有不少好文章。